DIY Projects Using Shipping Materials

03/20/2015 — Leah Palnik

If you do any shipping, you’re probably familiar with the standard packaging materials – bubble wrap, pallets, boxes, etc. But you may not be familiar with some of the not-so-standard uses for these items. Here are a few of our favorite repurposing projects.

1. Bubble Wrap Artwork 
Everyone loves popping bubble wrap, but have you ever considered using it for another form of stress relief? Creating art can be therapeutic and throwing bubble wrap into the mix can result in some pretty cool pieces like this cover art by Wired magazine. They made this unique piece by injecting colored liquid into plastic bubble wrap.

2. Shipping Tube Rain Stick 
If you have kids, this is the project for you. Rain sticks create a musical raindrop sound and are pretty easy to make with a shipping tube. You can fill the tube with dried beans, let your child decorate the outside, and then let the fun begin. Check out the step-by-step instructions here.

3. Gardening with Packing Peanuts 
Filling the bottom of pots with foam peanuts is a great way to make plants easier to move and improve drainage. They are cheaper and lighter than soil, making them quite handy when tackling your household gardening. Check out this picture for an example.

4. Pallet Furniture 
It’s nearly impossible to escape all of the DIY pallet projects floating around the internet, and it's hard to pick just one favorite. Creating furniture like tables, chairs, and shelves definitely seems to be the most popular. So why not create an outdoor oasis with this multifunctional material? Here are a few ideas to get started.

5. Cardboard Cat Condo 
As any cat lover can tell you, boxes are irresistible to cats. Instead of buying an expensive cat tree that they might not even use, use cardboard boxes to build a customized one, like this two-story cat condo. You can let your creativity run wild to build a palace that your feline friend will love.


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